About Amith Inc
Amith Inc., is a leading manufacturer of PRECOILBrand of Helical Screw Thread Inserts and High Quality Tooling Solutions. The company which started as a small trading firm grew into a full-fledged Registered MSME company with its own manufacturing facility near Peenya Industrial Area, in Bangalore.
Since the last 10 years of its growth story, Amith Inc today supplies Thread Inserts to more than 200 clients with almost zero rejection rate. Our Precoil Screw Thread Inserts are used in varieties of Industries including Aerospace, Automobiles, Conveyors, Electronics, Defense, Space Research Centers, Textiles, Castings, Machine Tools and many others.
Precoil Screw Thread Inserts are manufactured adhering to the highest Quality Standards and our Quality Management Systems are certified for ISO 9001-2008 standards. Our manufacturing capability also confirms to relevant industry standards like DIN 1840-1, BS 4377, 7753, MIL - 1 8846 and others. Hence Precoil Thread Insert’s are made in conformance to global standards and specifications to ensure global compatibility.
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